Saturday, June 5, 2010

Who am I?

The question we should all ask ourselves. The everchanging evolution of self. I'll be different the day I die. Michele Riehm (The very wise and pretty mom of my best friend) has a sage bit of advice as to how one should "find themselves." According to Michele it is as simple as taking one hand and placing it on the butt cheek of your choice and taking the remaining hand and putting it on the remaining butt cheek. Viola! There you are! Stop being a dumbass and go take the world by storm. Now I may not put much stock into the whole "finding oneself" BS that the new age loony tune characters on daytime television shows tell us we need. However, I do believe it is very important to have a clear idea/concept of self.

I think that having this blog has helped me get to know myself a little bit better. I know that often I just sit here pondering my innermost thoughts and saving twice the number of posts than the ones I have posted. I don't intend on ever posting half of the stuff I write about, for the most part I am just happy to have discovered some new part of me. See we all think that we know ourselves; that is till our ipods break and we are left in the silence with our thoughts- what a scary/delightful time that is. So I have a challenge for you this coming week. Leave the ipod at home. Let your mind wander and see where it takes you. You might be pleasantly surprised.

It's been a while since I gave you a song. I know this song is rather old news. But it has new life for me because I saw Cage The Elephant live at Cal Poly and they performed this and a few other gems. I burnt my nose standing in the sun and I couldn't hear anything for an hour afterward but even so, I still had this song stuck in my head. So enjoy!

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